Academy of Art University
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Student Projects

Student work

Kim Ebueng

Kim Ebueng


My passion lies in community-based projects which I pursue through the B.Lab program and design-build initiatives focusing on creating meaningful changes in communities.

Outside of academics, I take pride in my leadership role within NOMAS, advocating for diversity and inclusion within the field of architecture.

Additionally, I’m actively involved in volunteer work instilling in me a
strong sense of service and community engagement.

To me, architecture extends far beyond the physical act of construction - it’s about creating impactful changes, whether big or small, that enhance the lives of others.

Kim Ebueng is recognized for exemplary leadership that created a productive work environment for the team. She led by example through design acuity, positivity, accountability, and concern for others.

B.Arch Collaborative Project Leadership Award

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Contact Us

For more information on these skilled artists and designers, call 415-618-8899, or email us