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Kassie Cobb

Kassie Cobb

Art Education / MA
Art Education

I was born and raised in South Georgia. My love for art started at a young age, I loved escaping into and creating my own worlds while being able to explore different mediums and ways to use those mediums. Now as an artist, I enjoy photography and painting, enjoying the way I can manipulate light and shadows around an object or figure. I have also created many scenic designs and costume designs throughout my years in theatre.

I’m a kindergarten teacher with over 10 years of experience. I’ve taught a wide range of subjects in elementary schools, after-school programs, preschools, and even private art lessons. I have a BFA in theatre with a focus on scenic design and art, and my master’s teaching permit for early childhood education. I have just graduated with my Masters in Art Education from the Academy of Art University.

For my Capstone Project, I integrated visual art into our standard math curriculum, while also introducing artists, completing artist studies, and utilizing performance-based art including music into those units and throughout my phonics lessons in addition to utilizing sign language as a means to help put motion and movement to learning new letters, sounds, and words this not only helps students retain their learning but also develops 21st-century skills such as creative thinking and collaboration.

As an educator, I strive to create a safe, engaging, nurturing environment where my students feel comfortable and inspired to learn and create openly and honestly through an exploration of many materials and experiences. Integrating arts into my curriculum helps reach students with a different pathway and allows them the opportunity to explore and grow in their knowledge and skills.

Kassie's Capstone Project will be shown on site at the Academy of Art Spring Show.

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For more information on these skilled artists and designers, call 415-618-8899, or email us