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Carmynn Zhang

Carmynn Zhang

Fine Art / MFA

Carmynn Zhang is a Bay Area visual artist who uses painting and
drawing to explore the complexities of the human experience. Drawn to
art from a young age, Zhang honed her skills at the Ruth Asawa San
Francisco School of the Arts High School where she discovered diverse
artistic expressions and the power of art to transform personal
struggles into compelling narratives. Zhang's work explores themes of
mental health, psychology, dreams, childhood experiences, and personal
tragedies. Through evocative imagery, symbolism, and a nuanced use of
color palettes, she creates a visual language that explores raw human
emotions and invites viewers to connect with her stories.

Zhang actively connects with the Bay Area art scene beyond the studio.
She's exhibited her artwork in galleries and public venues, honed her
skills assisting installation artist Mary Corey March, and currently
collaborates on impactful public art projects with organizations like
333Arts and Creative Concord, painting murals that enrich the
community. While pursuing a BFA in Illustration at the Academy of Art
University, Zhang continues to explore diverse ideas and grow her body
of work.


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