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Meghan Lacey

Meghan Lacey

Fine Art / MFA
Fine Art, Drawing & Painting

Meghan Lacey lives in the state of beautiful sunny Florida. She credits her mother, Lyn Lacey, as her inspiration for her artistic endeavors. During the fall semester of 2016, she studied abroad at Oxford University through the Scholars' Semester at Oxford, where she studied History of Art as a registered visiting student. Meghan graduated with her B.A. in Art and Design, with a Concentration in Painting and a Minor in Art History at LaGrange College in May of 2017.

Meghan is currently pursuing her M.F.A. in Painting, through the Academy of Art University, in San Francisco, CA. She recently was privileged to have her artwork featured in British Vogue's April, May and June 2021 print issues and House and Garden UK's March, April and May 2023 print issues.

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