Academy of Art University
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Academy of Art University

The School of

Landscape Architecture

Fort Baker / Sarah Getz, BFA, Landscape Architecture

School of Landscape Architecture

The world needs Landscape Architects, now more than ever, to create solutions for climate change, to improve the quality of urban life for all, to protect natural environments, and to create beautiful and inspiring places.

Landscape Architecture combines art and science, living systems and designed form, historical precedent and innovative vision. At the School of Landscape Architecture, you will learn from practicing professionals, collaborate with other art and design students, and advocate for a healthier more sustainable future.

Our graduates enter the profession well-versed in responsive design processes, ecological systems, sustainable strategies and materials, site planning, and advanced drafting and rendering techniques.

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Companies That Have Hired Our Graduates

CMG logo
Code Four logo
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Contact Us

For more information on these skilled artists and designers, call 415-618-8899, or email us