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Eduardo Torres Canton

Eduardo Torres Canton

Motion Pictures & Television / MA
Motion Pictures & Television, Emphasis in Directing

Eduardo is a Spanish film director with an affinity for Mexico, where he grew up among a family of novelists who lived in exile due to the Spanish Civil War. He studied CommunicaAons and AdverAsing in New York City, and has worked on projects with mulAnaAonal companies such as BMW, receiving a with a nominaAon int he industrial design category at the Blades Awards in England. Eduardo's unwavering passion for filmmaking and cinematography propelled him to train in the at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California, where he is currently in the MFA DirecAng program. Eduardo’s work was nominated in mulAple categories at the 2024 NXTUpfest, including Documentary, Micro Doc and Sound Design. Eduardo won best Micro Doc for his remarkable project Lady Henze.

Micro Doc, Winner

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