Academy of Art University
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Nikole Haraszti

Motion Pictures & Television / MFA
Motion Pictures & Television, Emphasis in Directing

I am a Mexican director with a lot of stories to tell and a desire to make them come true. Ever since I was little girl, my favorite part of my weekends was going to the movies with my dad and spending hours at Blockbuster. I was drawn to movies like a moth to a flame, I enjoyed watching a story cinematically unfold on the big screen, that freely gave myself permission to let my emotions burst forth without censoring them. Movies were the conduit, my muse, allowing my imagination run wild, making me believe that what was happening on the screen was happening in real life. While there wasn't a particular film or a particular moment in my youth where I verbalized my intention of one day becoming a filmmaker, deep in the recesses of my mind and body lived that dream. Now, after an undergrad in Graphic Design, a pandemic and years in between I’m finally pursuing my dream of becoming a Director and hopefully someday, work in the film industry.

Companies That Have Hired Our Graduates

American Idol logo
CBS TV Studios logo
E! Entertainment logo
HBO logo

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